How to sucessfully make a virtual sales call is now more important than ever. When virtual communication is a critical skill to develop in order to keep closing sales.
It can be challenging to start making virtual sales calls, but with the right tools and tips the transition can be made easier. Which is why we’ve gathered a few helpful tips on how to make a virtual sales call, and do so sucessfully:
Make the virtual sales call a video call
ADP underlines the importance of using video both for virtual sales calls and messages to customers. This, “to build a high level of trust and authenticity with your audience”, where “a human connection forms without you being there in person”. In other words, vidoe builds authenticity, and allows you to replicate the sense of being in the same room – something that can go a long way for succeding with your call or meeting. This is something we’ve spoken about in the past, and that McKinsey has also underlined. When they explained that video meetings are ” preferred over audio/phone by almost 4 out of 5 B2B buyers”.
Make the video call interactive
Generally speaking, people do not have very long attention spans in virtual settings. Something that also applies to virtual sales, where ADP notes that “studies find that the maximum attention span on one particular topic for virtual selling is 20 minutes. “
This suggests that longer meetings should be varied, with breaks and interactive elements to increase engagement. I.e. multiple, shorter sessions with more engaging discussions than one-sided presentations may be the way to go.
Find the proper tools
It follows, then, that you may need some specific tools to do this well. Where video-conferencing tools that offer good video quality, the opportunity to pose questions, get feedback and take breaks, might be beneficial to look into.
Have a fitting agenda and roles
As we’ve discussed before, the virtual call or meeting needs to be adjusted for the format. Where a clear agenda means everyone knows what to expect and can follow along in discussions. In addition, a good agenda also gives the call a purpose, which can help keep engagement levels up.
Furthermore, it can be beneficial to assign roles ahead of time, and make them narrow and clear. Especially if the sales call includes multiple sales repesentatives and experts. Who can have an easier time succeeding if they understand what their specific role is, and what they’re expected to discuss during the call.
Do a technical hygiene check
This is one of those points we often mention, but with good reason. A technical hygiene check ahead of the call can, in fact, be an easy way of making sure the call runs smoothly. Limiting frustrations, and allowing you as a sales representative to look as professional as you are. Which means that the short time you may spend on this is, without a doubt, well invested.
This may mean to ensure your network connection is stabile, that camera and microphone is working and that no firewalls are preventing them from opening. A quick check, in other words, that you can beneficially ask customers to do as well.
It is a large transition to move into virtual sales and start making virtual sales calls. A transition that, nevertheless, is important to go through, and that can be made easier with the right tools and best practices. That can help you make your next virtual sales call the best call possible, and close more and larger sales as a result.
Are you looking for more tips on how to grow and close sales in a digital and remote world? Check out our Remote Sales Hub or contact us to talk to a Remote Sales Expert.