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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if a participant’s network is slow?2022-03-15T11:03:01+01:00

If a participant’s network is slow, it might be due to a VPN or a bad network connection. This can cause issues for certain SP_CE functionality, as it could mean that they won’t see changes in the agenda and might have to wait a long time for the meeting to load.

To fix this you can :

  • Ask the participant to turn their VPN
  • Ask the participant to switch to a stabile network.
  • If the participant is on their phone, ask them to switch to desktop or connect their phone to a stabile wifi.

Once the participant’s network is stabile, you can ask them to refresh the page and everything should work well again.

How do I add a new user in my SP_CE organization?2022-01-03T11:01:28+01:00

Click your profile avatar in the upper right corner and go to Settings.

There, you can click User Management, where you can add and invite both Admins and Users.

Do I have to share my screen to show a presentation?2022-01-03T10:58:20+01:00

No. You can choose to add a presentation in your agenda and upload the material you want to show. With this, your presentation will open for all participants as soon as you get to that agenda point, and you can go through your presentation without having to share screen.

You can also upload resources to your meeting, and simply drag and drop it on stage.

How do I send a calendar invite?2022-01-03T10:54:53+01:00

In SP_CE, the standard way of inviting is with a calendar invite.

Simply click the INVITE in the meeting portal, and add the participants you want to invite. Then, you can choose whether to use Outlook or Google Calendar, and click SEND.

This will bring you to Outlook or Google Calendar, where you can log into your account and send the calendar invite.


What browsers do you recommend?2022-01-03T10:49:45+01:00

Please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for the optimal experience.

Can I see the participants while I’m having a presentation?2022-01-03T10:45:50+01:00

Yes. When you’re running your presentation, participants and host are visible on the right-hand side as default.

What is a template?2022-01-03T10:38:14+01:00

In SP_CE, Admins create space templates that users will be able to create spaces from. In space templates, admins can set a structure and design that will carry over to spaces created from the template.

Admins can also create meeting templates in a space template. This means that users will be able to apply meeting templates any time they add a meeting.

With this, prep time is kept to a minimum, and users can create spaces and meetings in no time.


How does the built-in whiteboard work?2022-01-03T10:47:15+01:00

As a host, you can always open the whiteboard by clicking the three dots in your upper right corner and choosing the Whiteboard option.

This will open the whiteoard, where everyone will be able to interact, draw and write.

The whiteboard will be saved in the meeting, so that you can go back and view it afterwards.


I cannot upload my presentation/ resources2022-01-03T09:51:57+01:00

If you’re experiencing issues uploading resources or presentation material, please refresh the page.

What is a salesroom?2022-01-03T09:47:37+01:00

A salesroom space is optimized for collaboration with one opportunity. It has our full range of functionality, and is used to meet and interact with one organization, customer or prospect.

What is a showroom?2022-01-03T09:50:33+01:00

A showroom space is optimized to be shared with multiple opportunities, and has limited functionality. This means that participants won’t be able to see other participants in the space, that they will not be able to add resources and will not see or be able to add to-do activities. As a host, you will still have all functions available to you.

A showroom space is primarily used to show your product or service with multiple stakeholders in multiple organizations.

What is a public space?2022-01-03T09:38:19+01:00

A public space is an open space that anyone with the link can enter. You do not need to add participants in a public space, but can simply share a link to it.  This is the standard space that makes it easy for participants to enter.

Can I invite a participant to a restricted space while in a meeting?2022-01-03T09:33:47+01:00

Yes. If you’re running a meeting in a restricted space, you can always go to your participant list and click ADD. Then, you simply add your participant’s name and email, and they will be able to enter your restricted space and meeting.



Can I change a restricted space to a public space?2022-01-03T09:28:03+01:00

Yes. You can always change a restricted space to a public space – and vice versa. See FAQ item “How do I make a space restricted” to learn more.

How do I make a space restricted?2022-01-02T23:01:49+01:00

If you hover over a space in your overview you will see three dots appearing. Click the dots to see a drop down list of alternatives, and pick Edit Space.

Well in Edit mode, you will see your Space Setup where you can switch between Public and Restricted space. Just click the drop down, choose Restricted Space and you’re good to go.

What’s a restricted space?2022-01-02T14:21:14+01:00

A restricted space is a locked space that only participants who’ve been added can enter. With that, it’s a more secure space to use when you don’t want anyone with the link to be able to enter (as is the case in a public space).

To allow participants to enter a restricted space, you will need to add them to the participant list. They will need to verify their email to enter, which will be done with a unique code that is sent to their email.

A restricted space can, for example, be used when you’re keeping sensitive information in your space, or when you want to limit who can enter it.

Will my microphone be on in all activities in SP_CE?2021-06-21T14:47:33+01:00

In SP_CE, there are different types of agenda activities. Whether or not microphones are on as default will depend on what activity you’re in, and whether you’re a host, presenter or participant:

Team Activity: Everyone’s mic and camera are on as default.

Presentation: Host and Presenter have their mic and camera on as default, while participants are muted. Participants’ cameras will, however, be on as default.

Video: Everyone’s muted, and cameras are not on.

External Tool: Everyone’s mic and camera are on as default.

Questions: Everyone’s mic and camera are on as default.

Breakout Rooms: Everyone who’s in a breakout room has their mic and camera on as default.

Of course, you can mute and unmute yourself – even if your mic is on by default in the activity you’re in. This is done by pressing the camera/microphone icons at the bottom of the screen, which will turn your camera or microphone on and off.

If these options are not available, you cannot turn on camera or unmute yourself at this point.


I can’t access the SP_CE platform2021-08-13T15:18:18+01:00

There can be a few reasons for why you cannot access SP_CE  or enter a SP_CE meeting. The most common ones being an especially strict firewall that is blocking the application, or browser settings that block all cookies.

To see if your browser is blocking cookies, you can go to your browser settings (as seen below for Google Chrome).

Well there, you can move on to Privacy and Security, where you’ll be able to see your Cookies and Site Data. If you aren’t allowing any cookies, or if you’ve chosen the option “Block all Cookies”, you may not be able to access SP_CE.

The steps to do this looks a little bit different in other browsers. Below, you can see the steps for the specific browser you’re using:

To do the same in Safari, go to Preferences and continue to Privacy, where you can allow cookies.

If you’re using Firefox, go to Preferences and choose Privacy & Security.

Lastly, if you’re a Microsoft Edge user, you can click the same three dots as in Chrome and go to Settings. Where you’ll find the option Cookies and Site Permissions, and where you can edit your cookie settings.

If this is the issue, you can just change your cookie settings so that not all cookies are blocked, and you should be able to access SP_CE again.

If you cannot, it may be that your firewall is especially strict and is blocking access to SP_CE. If this seems to be the case, you may try to access SP_CE on another network or device. You may also try to whitelist the following domains:


How do I start a meeting?2022-01-02T14:00:12+01:00

To start a meeting, simply go to your space – where you will be able to see your meeting in the timeline.  Well there, you click on the JOIN button on the meeting you want to start. This will open a popover where you can preview your video and click JOIN NOW to go to the meeting.



Well in the meeting, all you need to do is to click the green START button in your upper right corner, and your meeting will start right away.

How do I show material/resources in a meeting?2021-08-13T14:41:32+01:00

To show material in a meeting, you will first upload the material into Resources – either ahead of time or during the meeting. You will then be able to drag and drop material onto stage, placing it in the center of participants’ attention. As host, you can drag and drop resources during any given agenda activity, while participants can only drag and drop during a Team Activity.

Of course, material uploaded in Resources is also viewable by simply clicking on the material in question. Which is convenient if you want to verify that the material is correct before you drag and drop it onto stage for all participants to see, or want to view material without sharing it on stage.

My firewall is blocking Audio & Video2021-05-17T16:42:22+01:00

Especially strict firewalls may be blocking your camera and microphone from opening in SP_CE. This may be more common if you’re on a work computer, or on your office network. If this seems to be the case, you can try changing browser, using a private device or another network – depending on what works for you.

Another solution is to whitelist the following domains, and that can help ensure audio & video aren’t blocked by your firewall:

What is the difference between a space and a meeting?2021-06-17T09:09:10+01:00

A space is a persistent place where multiple Meetings can be held.

In other words, your space can and should keep meetings that are connected to one another – for example a number of meetings with the same customer. In that way, all meetings with the customer; all resources, To-Dos and messages sent and added in the space, will be gathered and accessible in one place. As such, it is a good idea to create a new space per new prospect, customer or deal, and keep all meetings in this space.

Meetings are created and held in a space. With that, you create your space before you create and hold a meeting.



I get strange signs over my page and text fields2021-05-17T07:00:05+01:00

While we’re doing our absolute best to counteract this issue, certain translating services may be causing an issue for SP_CE pages. Where strange signs, such as in the image below, may be seen.

If you experience this issue,  please deactivate auto-translating, or choose not to manually translate page if given the question by browser.

My microphone and camera cannot be accessed2021-05-17T07:02:26+01:00

This may be because SP_CE could not detect an audio/video source on your device.

Simple solutions to this issue includes:

  • Refreshing browser
  • Restarting browser
  • Using an incognito browser window.

It may also be because your browser has not been given access to your camera or microphone. Where you may need to go to your System Settings and on to Privacy settings. Where you can verify that your browser has access to your camera or microphone, or give access if the browser does not.

More tips on solving Audio/Video issues can be found here.

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